Enhancing scientific skills
A boutique firm focused on research training and mentorship in P4 Medicine and Translational research paradigms through bioinformatics.
Research Paradigms
Predictive, Preventive, Personalized, and Participatory (P4 Medicine)
With the advent of multi-omics: Genomics, Proteomics, Metabolomics, and the current Appomics (Digital Medicine with microchip-based sensors such as Fitbit, etc), came an opportunity to understand the disease and its pathophysiology in different dimensions.
Leroy Hood, in his seminal articles published from 2004, established the framework for P4 Medicine. Both Participatory and Predictive are new entrants into the modern era of medicine. Specifically, Participatory medicine defines the role and importance of a patient being involved in data acquisition and knowledge sharing - a revolutionary change as compared to a muted patient in the bygone era.
Our programs and curated strategies are focused on training scientific professionals in these cutting-edge scientific paradigms.

Integrating P4 medicine to healthcare.

Equipping the society/ healthcare system with P4 medicine
Providing the existing healthcare medicine with strategies