Center of Excellence in Translational Medicine
Basic research in biology and disease pathways is progressing at a rapid pace. New discoveries are being made which can be of potential benefit to the patients if implemented in the medical setting. Often there is a considerable time gap until the research outcomes from basic research studies can be implementable to the end patient. There is a growing realization that the efficacy of the new treatments identified through the basic research should be seamlessly integrated into routine patient care and the outcomes from these treatments be validated for either discontinuation or wider implementation of these novel treatments. Translational medicine gains importance as it connects basic research findings with clinical management. Translational medicine outcomes can also potentially guide the direction of basic research, thus creating a mutual synergy that can help the progress of both basic and clinical research.​
Significant success of translational medicine is found in cancer research. The cancer molecular profiling and stratification of cancer patients in molecular cancer subgroups is allowing the application of specific personalized treatment strategies that would be effective for that patient subgroup. This has an impact on patient treatment choices and therapy outcomes.
A prime example of this is targeted therapies which are implemented in patients with specific oncogenic somatic mutations that can be suppressed by the use of targeted small molecule inhibitors or inhibitor antibodies which can bind and suppress the activity of cancer driver mutations. Example is the monoclonal antibody Trastuzumab (Herceptin) against HER2 receptor in breast cancer. A recent example of the success of translational medicine in patient treatment is the discovery of the antigenic properties of the mutant proteins that has given rise to a new kind of immunotherapy i.e. neoantigen peptide vaccine therapy. Exogenous application of the personalized neoantigen peptides have shown promising results in some cancer patients and thus is developing as a new highly personalized therapy for cancer patients. Considering these successful examples, it is apparent that it is essential to break the barriers between the basic research and clinical implementation using the translational medicine approach.
Research program structure
This research program is divided into two parts: the junior scientist program and the senior scientist program. The junior scientist program will cover all basics and backgrounds which will be required for taking advanced topics in the senior scientist program.
Mode of instructions and evaluation
Interactive session and practical- 6 days a week (5 hours each).
Office hours with scientists- 3 days a week (6 hours each).
Guest lectures with skilled scholars, from across the globe.
24 x 7 asynchronous access to the faculty.
If you have a degree in biology and wish to focus on the exciting interdisciplinary field of bioinformatics, then our program in bioinformatics is designed for you.
A written test and personalized one on one interviews will ensure individualized attention and suitability for the program.
Phase I (Junior scientist program)
Digital medicine
Computational resources for bioinformatics.
Cloud solutions for bioinformatics.
R and Bioconductor.
Introduction to Python (basic).
Introduction to Python (advanced).
Introduction to NumPy and pandas.
Introductory statistics.
Scientific Writing
Familiarization with journals.
Understanding different sections of a journal article.
Choosing a personal project topic.
How to write an introduction to a journal article?
How to write a literature review?
How to write a rationale, research problem, and research question?
Research methods.
Biology Stream
Personalized medicine an overview.
Introduction to genome structure and function.
Ethics or ethical aspects of genomic medicine.
Connecting genomics and precision medicine.
Clinical trials, clinical studies, therapy design.
NIH exams.
Next generation sequencing.
Project notification in the first week.
Students should devise/explore multiple project ideas and finalize project by the end of seventh week.
The finalized project work can begin in phase-I or can be started in phase-II.
Research program requirements
This research program consists of an extensive analysis of genomic data. The analysis of genomic scale data requires a very high computational power. Any applicant willing to be part of this research program must possess or have access to high-configuration computational systems during the entire research program period.
System requirements
Processor: i5/Ryzen5, i7/Ryzen7, i9/Ryzen9, (higher configurations are also preferable).
RAM: 16 GB or higher.
Operating system: Linux-based system (Ubuntu/ CentOS/Fedora) (with BASH shell) or Windows with WSL.
How do you join this program?
To join this research program, click on the "Apply Now" button to fill out and submit the application form. You will receive a link for a multiple-choice-based test on the email address that you have provided in the application form. The test will be for 30 minutes consisting of 30 objective-type questions. Each question has four options, of which only one is correct.
The level of difficulty of the test is at the biology graduation level. The questions will cover subjects of cell biology, molecular biology, genetics, immunology, human anatomy and physiology, basic mathematics, and statistics. After the successful completion and submission of the test, you will be invited for an interview, if shortlisted. Your entry into this research program will be determined based on your performance in the interview.
Moreover, in addition to the research program, you will have to identify exciting research questions and possible solution paths to find the answer. Our expert faculty is available to help you anytime during office hours. We promise to make an intellectual playground available to you.
All the very best in your performance!
Fill in the application form. A test link will be provided to you on your registered email.
Take the test. After attempting 30 multiple choice type questions, based on your performance in the test, you will be invited for an interview.
Our faculty will conduct an interview to assess your suitability for the research program at OmicsFi.
Impress us with your performance through your projects and your performance in the research programs and get hired.